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Deep Sea: Nullify Threat is Perfect Dark's 14th level. For reasons unknown, it is usually impossible to skip all but the last few seconds of the closing cinematic on this level.
This level is the largest in the game (and pretty sparse when it comes to it). The use of "teleportals" means that on A, SA and PA you'll find yourself diverted through various different areas which are all part of the full level, but not connected to each other, and you'll actually end up deactivating the megaweapon three different ways. On Perfect Agent, the Cetan megaweapon is ultimately deactivated by blowing up a pair of hidden pillars using the Farsight.
On Agent and SA, if you are playing PAL, it is possible to locate and destroy these pillars from entirely different areas in the level, by scoping through walls with the Farsight. This is MUCH faster than waiting for Elvis to deactivate the weapon. On NTSC, however, the Farsight doesn't have enough of a zoom range to pull this off. This puts PAL at an advantage of over 90 seconds total over NTSC players.
Read on for details.
Strat here.
- World Record Video: Sim Threat - Deep Sea - A - 2:28 (Download!)
Special Agent
Strat here.
- World Record Video: Your Eliteness - Deep Sea - SA - 3:01 (Download!)
Perfect Agent
Strat here.
- World Record Video: Big Bossman - Deep Sea - PA - 3:14 (Download!)