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The Data Uplink is a frequently-used item in Perfect Dark. Usually it is used alongside a computer terminal of some kind to give the Carrington Institute's hacker, Grimshaw, the chance to hack into the terminal and do something useful to it, like persuade it to unlock a nearby door or something.
This hacking takes a fixed period of time during which you can move around freely within a certain radius of the object you're hacking. You DON'T need to be facing it, though - you have to face it and press Z to start the hack, but then you can move away and line yourself up in the direction of the next objective while the hack goes on.
To accurately time the moment at which you can start moving again, you can simply pause and unpause the game repeatedly until the familiar "completed!" noise plays. Get this wrong and your run is screwed because you have to start over again.
Gadget training
The Data Uplink is also the subject of a gadget training mission.
The record for this mission is 11.52 seconds and is held by Chris Rayola.