The CamSpy is a frequently-used item in Perfect Dark.
Essentially it functions like a small, mobile you crossed with the camera found in GoldenEye. It's used to take photos of things. When flying a CamSpy your controls are adjusted slightly - the CamSpy cannot look up or down, but it can raise or lower itself slightly, so the buttons you'd usually use for looking up and down are retasked for exactly this purpose.
Variations of the CamSpy include the BombSpy which blows up when you press Z and the DrugSpy which fires a total of five drug darts.
You will NEVER find yourself using the CamSpy for the purpose of distracting guards and then taking them out from behind when they aren't looking, as this is much too time-consuming in a speedrun scenario. However, you will do clever things with it on Investigation, G5, Air Base and MBR.
Gadget training
The CamSpy is also the subject of a gadget training mission.
The record for this mission is 10.97 seconds and is held by Greg Lavery.