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In the Combat Simulator mode of Perfect Dark, each player's saved profile contains a ranking, ranging from "Beginner: 21" to "Perfect: 1". These rankings are determined based on the accumulation of certain statistics such as number of kills, time played and ammunition used, and by the collection of multiplayer medal awards.

A player achieving the rank of "Perfect: 1" is given the message "Username: Entropic Decay, Password: Zero-Tau." Rare had originally intended these details to allow access password-protected parts of the official Perfect Dark website, but this part of the site was never implemented


See Combat Simulator Milestones for a full list.

Your CS rank is determined by how many invisible milestones you have passed. You can pass all the milestones by playing 900 games, and in each game:

  • playing for 20 minutes (equals 12 hours 20 minutes total)
  • winning
  • getting 20 kills (equals 18,000 kills total)
  • winning every medal
  • running 10 kilometres
  • using 500 ammo (equals 450,000 rounds total)
  • doing 0.1 damage to other players (this last one is intentionally low so you pass them earlier)

Getting to Perfect the easy way

A rank of 1: Perfect in the Combat Simulator of Perfect Dark can be obtained in two ways.

  1. By playing a heck of a lot of Combat Simulator against your friends. For years.
  2. The easy way.

Wins, medals

Set up a game against a human opponent but don't have anybody else playing. (You can't get the Accuracy and Head Shots medals unless you play against humans.) Choose a cramped level like Felicity and set all the weapons to Farsights. Set it so the first kill wins.

Collect the Farsight and shoot your opponent in the head from across the room. This will win you the game and every single medal. Repeat.

Time, distance

Set up for an unlimited length match all on your own on Temple. Go to the ground floor and use Cruise Control to set yourself to run around in circles. Check back every few days.


Eight MeatSims, one-hit-kills, machine guns, unlimited length match.


The cheap way: Eight Sims, whether they be meat or whatever difficulty, make them harder so they'll move faster (and if you make them DarkSims, they'll have a new weapon to drop with every spawn). Make all eight of them on YOUR team, no enemies, Capture the Case, on the Felicity, with remote mines for weapons. You want to keep retrying the mission untill you get the base in the bathrooms. When you do, manually set all of your teammate sims to protect your case. Wait untill they all run into protect your case, then throw several mines on them, the walls around them and stalls, and at LEAST one in the square room connecting the bathroom to the stairs room. Afterwards, run down the stairs a ways and then detonate. The screen should get really laggy, and you will rack up mad amounts of kills, as many as 1,000 a minute! Leave on for an hour or so and you will be around 100k kills or so.

It's been reported that if you let this trap keep running for more than 131,071 kills, the game crashes and doesn't save the kills you've accumulated, so you might want to keep an eye on your score. Because the sims are on your team, you lose points for each kill, and because score is a 17-bit signed integer, after -65536 the score jumps up to +65535 and starts counting down again from there. You'll want to end the game with your score as a small positive number, but not quite 0, in order to maximize your kill count without crashing the game.


Set all weapons to Cyclones and chase lots of ammo boxes into a corner. Switch to secondary function and keep tapping the Z button for a few hours.


Find an area where you can circle around and around and keep hitting the ammo boxes. You will also need an autofire controller. Set your fire button to firing and reset your controller so that you will continouslky circle around the ammo crate and discharge your gun into the ground and/or walls. Leave on over night.


Getting a Perfect rank is extremely easy and not an indication of your skill as a Perfect Dark player. Thanks.

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